Monday, June 3, 2013

Second day here!

Yesterday, Brittney and I walked towards downtown Toulouse.  We didn't get to go into any museums since it was Sunday, but we did get a better feel of where everything was.

Today was my first day of school, which was more of an orientation day.  It went well and I can tell that I'll be getting a lot of academic experience and personal growth out of this trip.  The study abroad group saw the university campus (it's a very small university of only 800 students) and the cafeteria that is nearby. We also met with the international studies department of Purpan who have planned this program.  They were very welcoming and helpful.

A few other students and I went to go buy stamps and groceries this afternoon, which was an adventure.  None of us spoke French and we didn't know where we were going, so we did end up wandering for a bit.  We found the supermarket eventually thanks to some nice people who spoke broken English.  It may have taken a while, but it was a good experience to have.  I hope to learn more French as I am here so I can interact with people better.

It's now quite late and I have an early start tomorrow, so I'm off to bed.  Here's a few pictures from my travels thus far:

A pretty fountain on the outskirts of Toulouse

Pont Neuf

A street in Toulouse

Oldest & largest Magnolia in Europe


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